Monday, January 3, 2011

Swan Song. Day 126.

I have been feeling a little bit of the need for inspiration, to get my head back in the game. After reading BerninaAG's tweet this morning, regarding if anyone's New Years resolutions involve sewing—yes!!—it is starting to sink in just how far behind I am.

A few months back I found an image of McQueen's final piece, perhaps the last garment he ever touched, in the last pages of the New York Times Magazine which comes in the Sunday paper—speaking of which, I am just realizing that I haven't seen any sign of my Sunday paper in weeks. This particular image was from the Fashion Fall 2010 issue, it grabbed my attention, and pulled me closer. I have been saving it, wanting to frame it but to far behind the 8-ball to actually make this happen.

Just before Christmas, on a family trip to Target to find toys to donate for the Toys for Tots program, my sister and my mom decided to do Christmas shopping for parties present, as the ability to interpret desires and needs is much more easily defined. Upon my sister's request, I informed her that I wanted a picture frame for the McQueen dress, insisting that a larger frame with a matte would do the image justice. After refusing my offer for cutting the matte myself, stating, "Julie, you have way to much to do already," she gifted a lovely frame, complete with finished matte. Super painlessly the image was trimmed, placed, and hung on the wall, right above my beloved Bernina, whom, as one might see in the image below, also went traveling recently.

Now with the image standing cleanly presented above the Blue Lex (the blue horse figure from Kentucky) I feel a sense of quietness and peace as the New Year is beginning. I think it is time for some reflection, and also some kicking my ass into gear.

Tomorrow I will be posting my second knitting pattern. I am almost done typing it up. I also took some time today to organize all of my knitting needles and supplies, in preparation for The Great OrganizaitonFest of 2011, when my sister comes over later this week. Paper-shredder beware. I think you have a lot of work ahead of you. No time to wait for spring to tame the beast, or maybe it's the shrew. I feel like my sewing and knitting projects have exploded and need to get them in order, badly.

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