Friday, October 29, 2010

How to make a Pom-Pom. Halloween South Park Stan Hat Completed. Day 61.

Yeah, Hooray. I have finished Ramon's Halloween South Park Stan hat in the nick of time. Now, if only I had my costume finished, as well. Mmm, well, I have a few more hours tonight to plug through it. I did get new Serger needles today, and I had a cup of coffee about an hour ago—yes, at 5 pm—so I should be ready to go.

So, other than absolutely hatting Vanna's Choice yarn, which is like knitting with sand-paper, I think that Ramon's Halloween Hat is just about perfect. As I mentioned last night I completely re-did it. I didn't like the pattern that I used, so in the second hat, I made some modifications, mostly making the "straight" part of the blue longer than 2 inches. I made it 5 inches. I felt like the blue part wasn't balanced against the red, and was just too short.

I also decided to post my instructions for making a pom-pom. I had never done one before and for whatever reason, found it hard to find these instructions online.

1. Find an able, and active pom-pom-maker helper (this step is optional)

2. Draw two circles on cardboard. I made mine 4 inch in diameter.
2a. Draw two inner circles inside of the first circles. I made these 1 inch in diameter."
2b. Carefully cut them both out, and cut out the inner circles, making two donuts.

3. Stack the two donuts, one directly on-top of the other

4. Begin wrapping the yarn around and through the donuts. I found that I cutting a few yards of yarn, making a small yarn-ball out of it, and passing it through the hole was the easiest method for getting a lot of yarn through at once, without a lot of unnecessary pulling.

5. Continue wrapping until the entire inner circle is filled. I used one of my new handy crochet hooks to help pull the yarn through as the hole got smaller. I used a tapestry needle to continue when the hole became too small for the crochet hook.

6. Carefully cut around the edge of the circle, between the two pieces of cardboard with very sharp scissors.

7. Pull a piece of yarn between the two pieces of cardboard, and tie tightly in a knot, or four, and then remove the pieces of cardboard.

8. Attach your pom-pom to your garment, only to realize that, while you were trying to make it big and a little cartoony, as it is a Halloween costume, you have made it too big. Let out a sigh, and move onto the next project, as it will take too long to re-make something a half an inch smaller on each side.

If I am really feeling wild and wacky, I'll crochet Stan's eyebrows on. Though, lets not get ahead of ourselves.

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