Monday, December 13, 2010

Snow Much Fun Holiday Party. Day 106.

We had a very, very small holiday part in our very, very small apartment on Saturday night. Ok, our apartment isn't that small, but with a few extra people in it, it feels as if it were sized for a mouse. For kicks I wore my sequin dress for the first 30 minutes. Great for feeling and looking shiny, but not great for running around, hosting, and helping Ramon cook.

The Damage:

Caroline's Amazing Cheesecake:

Our Holiday Flowers. Note the flocked pine-cone.

This was the first holiday part that my mom could come to as well. It happened on the same day that she had a previous engagement in our neck of the woods. So, both my sister and my mom hung out on Saturday and Sunday. My sister, a great assistant for party planning, and house cleaning was a great help wearing cute shoes. Ah, I love being able to see my influence.

During the cleaning I decided to try on my tailored shirt that I made for my sewing class. While it is cute enough, it's just my style and to be honest, it just doesn't fit me. The problem with making things for class for a standard size ... My sister tried it, too, and no go. I showed it to my mom when she arrived, and a match was made. It fist her AND she loves it. So, down the hallway she went. Thanks for being a good sport!

As for Knitfest 2010 ... things *could* be going better. I got 1/3 of the way through a project only to realize that it, well, just wasn't going to fit. Having carefully and extremely securely tying the ends of the 3 yarn balls together that I had knit through by the time I realized there was a severe problem, the item was frogged, resulting in one giant yarn ball:

The next project that I have started was going well until I got out my cable-knitting needle at 10:30 last night, only to discover that it wasn't in the drawer where it should have been. Instead it was between the cracks of the couch, after having been thoroughly chewed by big [bad] kitty. So, back to the yarn store I must go to acquire a new one. I really must learn to be more carefully as kitty's affinity for the knit arts is more extreme than I though. I shall not misjudge it again!

So, to the sewing room I go this afternoon! I need a break from knitting.

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